
Flying start for stress-free exhibitor meetings

Fan or not, meetings are a fundamental part of modern business culture. On average 11 million are held EACH DAY in the US alone! Certainly in the B2B world, relationship building wouldn’t be the same without them. Imagine a tradeshow without face-to-face meetings with prospects and customers, and you’d have a hard time justifying the value of this marketing medium. Yet in the big picture of conference and exhibition management, it’s meeting planning that often causes the most headaches. It really doesn’t have to be a stressful juggling act.

Take the devil out of the details

We have reduced the scheduling strain for several clients by offering a customised online meeting room management tool within our portal. Sales and marketing teams and media spokespersons are given access to a meeting room module to check availability of people and rooms using an event calendar by date and hour with the ability to book the required resource by filling in a straightforward form. Having a centralised solution makes it much easier for the project leader to co-ordinate different types of meetings, avoid double-bookings and allow for last-minute cancellations and requests.

Cover all bases

This is just one example of our practical approach to efficient conference and exhibition management. It’s based on our proprietary communications management system - the EMG Portal – which centralises a wide variety of marketing tools, from newsletters, VIP event RSVPs, analytical graphical dashboards, media reports & alerts, pipeline development, travel arrangements to… appointment scheduling & meeting room management. Always making sure that all team members have access to a unique set of information to avoid getting bogged down by outdated details and editing multiple versions of the same Excel document.

If you’re interested in stress-free managing and monitoring of broader communications activities for your business, please get in touch. Sharing a more efficient way of working all adds up to more time for strategic initiatives to move your business forward.



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